Rules General Rules |
Submission Rules General rules for adding submissions |
Terms of Service Website Terms and Conditions of Use |
Privacy Policy About our Privacy |
Posting Posting rules that apply to all threads, comments, messages, posts, and private messages. |
Tools Rules General rules for adding tools |
Video Rules Rules for adding videos |
Points About member points |
Wallpaper Rules Rules for wallpapers |
Constructive Feedback Constructive feedback is supportive feedback given to individuals to help identify solutions to areas of weakness they may have. |
Servers Rules and guidelines that apply to server listings. |
Models Rules and guidelines that apply to model submissions. |
WiPs Rules and guidelines that apply to WiP submissions. |
Textures Rules that apply to texture submissions. |
Sprites Rules that apply to sprite submissions. |
Thumbing Rules pertaining to GvME like and dislike system. |
Skins Rules that apply to skin submissions. |
Scripts Rules and guidelines that apply to script submissions. |
Sounds Rules and guidelines that apply to sound submissions. |
Tools Rules and guidelines that apply to tool submissions. |
Prefabs Rules that apply to prefab submissions. |
Autoplaying Music & Video Rules regarding autoplaying music. |
GUIs Rules and guidelines that apply to GUI submissions. |
Sprays Rules and guidelines that apply to spray submissions. |
Maps Rules and guidelines that apply to map submissions. |
Tutorials Rules and guidelines that apply to tutorial submissions. |