If you want to bypass the ban in the game Dead by Daylight, then we advise you to use this free and working Bypass for Dead by Daylight. This is a simple solution for all players who do not want to get a game lock for using third-party software, for example, for a cheat, hack, trainer or other additional utilities that interfere with the game files.
At the moment, this is the only free Bypass on Dead by Daylight that is available to everyone. Thanks to the developer bartekbb75 for the opportunity and constant updating for the new version of the game.
How to use
Copy & Paste it to
Dead by Daylight\DeadByDaylight\Content\Paks
Added: Oct 23 2022, 07:40 PM
Modified:Edited by poisoN: Oct 25 2022, 11:17 AM
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