The best program for ai village build make your ai village.
Fix: Further the stair part's text descriptions are following: [1] -> Stairs [2] -> Wooden wall [3] -> user text [4] -> user text [5] -> user text
Fix: Regarding the stairs bug: ALWAYS draw the mouse for placing the 5-tile stairs over and onto a 6th, empty tile before releasing the mouse button. This will cause the stairs to be built correctly. Also, in case you only want to use some particular tiles instead of the whole stairs, still place a complete staircase and afterwards simply delete any of the tiles that you do not want/need. With some care, you can create very complex or compact stairways. E.g. a single lowest stair tile (5) next to a gate (on the inside) can be used for quick and reliable access to the gatehouse for the defender. (Full stairs can be prone to be made unusable by hostile mangonel damage.) A series of lowest stair tiles (5) could even be used to create functioning roads inside (or outside) a castle. A (2)-height stair tile is, iirc, enough to connect low and high walls. A (row of) (4)-height stair tile is low enough for fire ballistae to shoot across, but high enough to block walking paths for units.
For merging multiple moat/pitch ditch steps, you can draw with all moat/pitch ditch tools all over the map... and if you Alt+Tab out of the editor window while doing that, release the mouse button, then Alt+Tab back in, then the placed moat/pitch step will only be completed with the next released mouse click inside the editor, which means you can draw another section of pitch/moat, which will then become part of the previously drawn section (i.e. 1 step for both areas). Repeating the process several times works, too.
Furthermore, you could try to create a "mold" with anything else, leaving empty only those tiles you want to fill in 1 step with moat/pitch, then delete the "mold" - that makes it easier to get some more complex shapes right. To some extent, molds can be useful for drawing more complex wall shapes in fewer steps as well. For example, a perfectly-round Sultan castle wall can be built in just 1 step that way (in contrast to the 100 steps in the original castles).
Regarding crashes for larger moat or pitch sections ingame or in the editor, I have not really noticed that yet. Possibly it is a coincidence, or related to some other issue (I have heard sometimes an AIV file can get "corrupted" by the editor, causing the game to crash while trying to build it, independent of moat-sizes).