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Fix: Stronghold Crusader HD not opening on Win10

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  Added by: SlayeR
  Category: Stronghold: Crusader > Tutorials
Difficulty Level: Begginer
  Tags: Keyboard Shortcuts Stronghold Crusader shc
1. Go to Apps and Features

Search for 'Apps and Features' in your Start menu or your Settings menu.

Suche nach „Apps & Features“ im Startmenü oder in den Einstellungen.
2. Click Programs and Feautres

In the Apps and Features menu, click on Programs and Features on the right.

Im „Apps & Features“-Reiter, klicke auf „Programme und Features“ ganz rechts.
3. Turn Windows features on or off

On the left of the Programs and Feautres window there is a 'Turn Windows features on or off' option. Click that.

Auf der linken Seite gibt es die Option „Windows-Features aktivieren oder deaktivieren“. Klicke es an.
4. Turning DirectPlay on

In order for Stronghold Crusader HD to work on Windows 10, a feature called DirectPlay needs to be enabled on your operating system. You can find that in the Windows Features menu under 'Legacy Components'. Expand 'Legacy Components' and tick DirectPlay to enable it.

Damit Stronghold Crusader HD auf Windows 10 funktioniert, muss ein Feature namens „DirectPlay“ aktiviert werden. Dieses findet man eine Ebene unter „Legacykomponenten“. Setze dort ein Häkchen.
If this fix helped you run Stronghold Crusader HD, please rate this guide! Enjoy playing this great game 1.gif.

If DirectPlay was already enabled yet your game doesn't run or you just enabled it but nothing changed about your issue, it means your problem is unrelated. Please don't comment on this guide asking about other fixes if this one didn't work for you - this guide only presents the most common fix for this particular issue that the game has with Windows 10. Check the community discussions section on Steam in order to get help with your game. I wish you luck!
  Added: Aug 8 2021, 06:26 PM    Modified: Never edited!    Thanks List: [+]      
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