Add bots
1- Open your console . You can open your console by pressing the ` button. If it is not enabled, go to options/controls/advanced and select "enable console"
2- Write this commands on the console:
sv_cheats 1
mp_limitteams 20
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 30
bot_zombie 1
3- Spawn how many bots you want (Max 15 each team) by writing "bot -team ger" in console.It spawns 1 bot. You can spam it by pressing the up arrow key and press enter various times.
4-Turn sv_cheats OFF by writing "sv_cheats 0" in console.
5- Reconnect to server by writing "retry" in console.
List of achievements you can get doing this method.
Here is a list of achievements you can get by doing this
Marksman - Score 5 consecutive headshots in a single round without dying
Kilroy Was Here - Score 8 machinegun kills from a single deployed position
Rationing - Kill 4 or more players with a single grenade, riflegrenade or bazooka shot
Take No Prisoners - In a single life, kill 4 or more players in the victory time after winning a round
Beachhead - Capture the final flag to win a round
Trophy Collector - Score 5 or more kills in a single life using scavenged enemy weapons
Point Man - Get 1000 kills as the Assault player class
Capo - Get 500 kills with the Thompson
Bolt Action - Get 500 kills with the K98k
The Big Burp - Get 500 kills with the MP40
Old School - Get 150 kills with the Colt
Cutthroat - Get 150 kills with the Knife
Dig For Victory! - Get 150 kills with the Shovel
Knuckleduster - Get 150 kills with your fists
On the Warpath - Score 100 Flag Captures
Medal of Honor - Get 5000 kills as an Allied player
Iron Cross - Get 5000 kills as an Axis player
Dogface - Get 1000 kills as the Rifleman player class
Squaddie - Get 1000 kills as the Support player class
Head Hunter - Get 1000 kills as the Sniper player class
The Iron Curtain - Get 1000 kills as the Machinegunner player class
HEATer - Get 1000 kills as the Rocket player class
Cookin' With Gas - Get 500 kills with the Garand
Sometimes the BAR Gets You - Get 500 kills with the BAR
The Producer - Get 500 kills with the Springfield
Johnnie Gun - Get 500 kills with the .30 Cal
Rocket Powered - Get 500 kills with the Bazooka
Storm of the Century - Get 500 kills with the MP44
Wilhelm Tell - Get 500 kills with the K98 Sniper Rifle
Linoleum Ripper - Get 500 kills with the MG42
Tank Terror - Get 500 kills with the Pschreck
Roscoe - Get 150 kills with the P38
Broomhandler - Get 150 kills with the C96
Carbineer - Get 150 kills with the M1 Carbine
Egg Layer - Get 250 kills with the US Frag Grenade
Potato Masher - Get 250 kills with the Stick Grenade
Carpet Bomber - Get 250 kills with the Garand's Rifle Grenade
Black Maria - Get 250 kills with the K98k's Rifle Grenade
Warlord - Win 100 rounds
Some advices
Here are some simple advices
1- If you are going for Headshots try to shoot in the front or in the back of the head because if you shoot in the side it takes more shots (Depending on the gun you are using)
2-Try to do various achievements at same time. Example : Kill with Thompson and when you run out of bullets punch until you get the achievement then capture the last flag and kill 4 enemies after the capture.