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How to kick yourself in CS:GO

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  Added by: FaLLeN
  Category: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive > Client
Difficulty Level: Begginer
  Tags: kick call out how vote
I think everyone met such a thought, How can you kick yourself in the CSGO?but many do not know how to do it. Therefore, they ask teammates on the server to do this, but as you know, such requests remain unanswered. Now we will start the instructions on how to do it all by yourself independently from the server of ourselves, without any requests.
First we need a working console, a working one means that it must be turned on. Information on the console can be found at the link .

Next, we proceed to the analysis.

The first one. We launch the console.
The second one. We write in the opened console "status"
We see that there is a list of players and numbers next to the nickname. There we need only one figure, which is at the very beginning, in the screenshot below I marked it.
The third. We find ourselves, or rather our nickname, and see the per # digit of our number.
Fourth. We enter this command with the number in the console "callvote kick 5", in our case it is the number "5" (you may have another one).

Everything, after the entered command, close the console and go into the game. We see that the vote went to kick himself.

After successfully pressing the “F1” button of all players, you will be kicked from the server.
  Added: Feb 21 2020, 01:41 PM    Modified: Never edited!    Thanks List: [+]      
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