Change the mode by popular vote! RockTheMode creates a vote for Casual, Competitive,
Arms Race, Demolition, or DeathMatch after enough players have voted to RockTheMode.
Then the current map is restarted with the newly voted game mode. Admins are also given the
ability to change the mode immediately.
Commands and Cvars
Vote commands:
- say rockthemode
- say rtm
- sm_rtm
- !rtm
- /rtm
sm_rtm_mode <mode> - (ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP) Restarts the map with the given mode. (Acceptable arguments: casual, competitive, armsrace, arms_race, demolition) (Command override: sm_rtm)
sm_rtm_forcevote - (ADMFLAG_CHANGEMAP) Forces a RockTheMode vote. (Command override: sm_rtm)
sm_rtm_version - Plugin version.
sm_rtm_enable - (Default 1) Enable or disable plugin (1 - enable, 0 - disable).
sm_rtm_needed - (Default 0.6) Percentage of players needed for RockTheMode vote.
sm_rtm_minplayers - (Default 0) Number of players required before plugin will be enabled.
sm_rtm_initialdelay - (Default 20.0) Time, in seconds, before the first RockTheMode vote can be held.
sm_rtm_initialwindow - (Default 240.0) Time, in seconds, after map start to disable RockTheMode voting.
sm_rtm_interval - (Default 240.0) Time, in seconds, after a failed RockTheMode vote before another can be held.
sm_rtm_allow_casual - (Default 1) Does Casual appear on the vote (0 - no, 1 - yes)
sm_rtm_allow_competitive - (Default 1) Does Competitive appear on the vote (0 - no, 1 - yes)
sm_rtm_allow_armsrace - (Default 1) Does Arms Race appear on the vote (0 - no, 1 - yes)
sm_rtm_allow_demolition - (Default 1) Does Demolition appear on the vote (0 - no, 1 - yes)
sm_rtm_allow_deathmatch - (Default 1) Does DeathMatch appear on the vote (0 - no, 1 - yes)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
SourceMod 1.5.0+
Place rockthemode.smx into the /addons/sourcemod/plugins directory.
Place rockthemode.phrases.txt into the /addons/sourcemod/translations directory.
Change rockthemode settings in /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/rtm.cfg. (auto-generated on first load)
Jasperman and musashiwook for inspiring me to make this plugin.
The original RockTheVote authors.
The AlliedModders community, and the SourceMod and MetaMod developers for their amazing work.
1.1.4 (22 February 2013)
-Bug fix: Plugin now looks for Next Map Mode convar in OnAllPluginsLoaded, ensuring that NMM is disabled properly.
Command Overrides
sm_rtm - Admins with access to this command can use sm_rtm_mode to change the mode immediately, and sm_rtm_forcevote to start a rock the mode vote immediately.
You can use admin_groups.cfg or admin_overrides.cfg to change command permissions.
Example admin_overrides.cfg:
"sm_rtm" "cdr"
In this example, only admins who have all three "c", "d", and "r" admin flags can use rock the mode's admin commands.
Don't forget to install the translations file!
Admins with map changing privileges can use sm_rtm_mode <mode> to change the mode immediately. Example usage: !rtm_mode Casual.
You can change which modes appear on the vote by editing the configuration file located in /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/rtm.cfg.
Use sm_rtm_initialwindow <seconds> to disable rtm voting after a certain amount of time has elapsed since map start.
IMPORTANT: Your server will be UNJOINABLE if your gamemodes_server.txt has not been set up to accomodate all your maps for every mode.
Complementary Plugins
Next Map Mode
- Admins can set the mode for the next map.
- Mode is changed automatically and dynamically based on the next map in the rotation.
- MapCycles can be changed automatically and dynamically based on the next mode in the rotation.